Friday, September 16, 2011

Day Seventy Eight

It strikes me as funny that even though the title of this blog is One Day at a Time, I realize that the way I operate is more of a "I want my instant gratification, and I want it now!" mentality.  I want to push to make things happen right now, I don't want to wait.  I don't want things to take time.

But as I was pondering something my therapist said, it hit me that things take time to develop, and that's okay.   Now, I know the part of me that says "duh" is the part of me that usually kicks me in the nuts while I'm down, so I can ignore it for now.  That realization, the recognition that things taking time is okay, is a feeling that I haven't had in a very long time, and it's kind of nice.  I've been struggling with the idea that life has passed me by and I don't have time to wait for things to develop, but that's not really true.  I have all the time in the world, I'm still young, and even if I'm not, time is time, you can't make it go any faster or slower.  Like pushing the river, either upstream or down, all you really wind up doing is splashing about and getting yourself all wet.  Let the river flow, and float with it.  You can control how you move about in the current, from this side to that, and it takes a lot less effort and makes for a more relaxing trip.

Float on, brother!

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