Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day Eighty Seven

It's still hard for me to hear some of the stuff you say about your feelings for him.  Or rather, it feels like you have feelings for every man in your life except me.  I know it really boils down to wanting you to feel for me something that you don't, and can't since I'm not actually physically in your life- I'm just some text on the screen that you can delete, close, or log off and walk away.  I feel like I'm not real.  To be honest with myself, you may never feel what I thought you did, really.

I have no control over anyone or anything except myself, and I am responsible for my own feelings.  I think that's one of the lessons I really need to learn.  When it comes to relationships, I need to make sure that I keep control of myself and not relinquish it to someone else- not give someone else the power to shape what I feel.

Yeah, good luck with that.

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