Friday, October 14, 2011

Day One Hundred Eight

There is a part of me that begins to wonder as I reinvent myself, what do I really love?  What gets me excited?  Turned on?

It's been so long, in sexual terms, that I'm not really sure anymore.  I know what porn I like looking at on the internet, but is that what I really like in real life?  To answer that question is going to require some real research.  There comes a point where dirty, nasty behavior is really just dirty and nasty, not really a turn on.

And what I love to do? I have no idea.  I know I love to sail. And woodworking.  But so much of what was my persona before doesn't feel like me now.  I don't watch movies all that much, nor play video games...  Many of the behaviors I had before are things that helped me escape from the reality that was my life.  I have escaped now, so those things don't hold as much pleasure for me now.  So what do I really want to spend my time doing? 

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