Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day Five

I know, it's only the fourth day of posts, but I took yesterday off and didn't post day four until today.

Anyway, I was reading James Hollis' book "What Matters Most: Living a More Considered Life" and these parts of his take on Eros struck me as particularly relevant given my very recent history, and my attempts to overcome it.

How, when all of us have had our hearts cracked and crazed, if not broken forever, can we still steer our leaky craft through the dangerous but necessary shoals of love? How can we honestly grieve loss and disappointment and still, with due deliberation, plunge again into risk and emotional danger? How can we, in the face of shame and failure, open to life, and open repeatedly?

Who among us has not made foolish, irretrievable decisions while possessed by this god? And why would we so eagerly return to get beat up again by such a petulant god, over and over again? Eros drives us toward ends not our own at times, but in service to the fuller expression of the permutations of possibility.

I didn't write it.  Well I wrote it, but it was not my original thought.  I'm just reposting it here, since you can't @RT a book.  I love books, real actual physical page turning books.  But that's for another day.

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