Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day Twelve

My Live With the Thrill Kill Kult.  Great electronica, haven't listened to them in a while.  That's one of the great things about having so much music, it can go through long cycles of style.

Okay, so I've been dealing with relationships and love and intimacy and self image and chemistry.  What is chemistry?  Is it more than the phermones and enzymes and whatever the scientific crap involved is?  I don't have an answer.  Hell, I've been surviving off internet porn for so long I don't even know what is real for me anymore and what's just a product of someone or some image telling me what I should want, what sex is like.  I don't think I'm much interested in sex as much as intimacy.  Knowing myself, and showing myself, to someone with complete freedom and abandon.  But that's not what generates chemistry.  I believe it's part of it, but is it just that she was such an influence on me so early in the development of my sexual identity and now her "type" is the only thing that catches my eye and makes me want to initiate that intimacy?

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