Friday, July 1, 2011

Day One

The first post.  Feels like it should be something important, momentous like a first anything should be.  A first kiss.  First beer.  First car.  First love.  But I realize that now, pushing mid 40's, most of the luster of "firsts" is off the apple, so they say.

So I think instead, I'll just let this be the first step, the start of what I hope to be a lasting habit.

So if it's not going to be something special, how about something banal.  I'm a man, early-mid 40's, employed in IT more by habit than by choice.  Trying to start my life over after having been in a relationship for 17 years that I only decided once and for all was unhealthy for me last Christmas.  Desiring a change in career and relationships to something meaningful and spiritually rewarding.  I live on the East Coast now, although I was born and raised in California.  I play some guitar, and I'm trying to learn more each week.  I'm physically active, I run and do martial arts.  I have an incredibly diverse taste in just about everything.

I have no kids, which, while I'm thankful for (given how my relationship turned out), I'm also deeply saddened to have missed out on that opportunity.  I love dogs, but don't have one now.  I plan to go back to college and learn how to teach English in High School, which is one of the reasons to start this blog, and something I hope to instill in my students, the habit of writing something every day.

That's page one, day one.  Onward! to day two...

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