Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day Thirteen

Baker's Dozen.  Good, a quick post before jumping in the hot tub.  I need to soak before bed, been having a hell of a time with sleep these days.  And I don't ever remember my dreams, I have to try to remember to tell myself to remember as I'm drifting off to sleep.  Problem is, my head is already jumping from place to place and has a hard enough time just letting go of everything.  Maybe I need to turn it into a mantra.

Got a super cool t-shirt in the mail today from KP, from my hometown.  Honestly, it makes me want to get to where I'm going even sooner.  Oh well, responsible before emotional, that's one of the many things I'm working on.  Bills gotta get pee ae eye dee.

So she's back with her ex.  I have to figure out how I feel about that.  One the one hand, I'm glad because I know it can't last, and I stand a better chance competing against him, even if it's six months from now, than against someone who might be good for her.  And he's not, he's a scumbag.  On the other hand, he's a scumbag and she knows it, and she's still going back to him.  I'm afraid it's going to get her killed, and I'm also afraid that if she's making those kinds of choices, then she's choosing not to be mentally healthy.  And that's not good.  Maybe I'll learn more in the hot tub.

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